Quack of the Times

Quack of the Times


由 epicman482 使用 Udio AI 创建


In the heart of the pond where the waters run free, There's a duck named Tom, as cool as can be. With feathers of gold and a quack that's sublime, He waddles with swagger, he's ahead of his time. TomTheDuck, oh mighty and grand, Ruler of the pond, with a wave of his hand. He's the one we all look up to, without any doubt, TomTheDuck, leading the way, showing us what it's about. With a beak that's sharp and eyes that gleam, Tom dives deep, chasing his dream. Through the rushes and reeds, he makes his own trail, With every flap of his wings, he'll never fail. TomTheDuck, oh majestic and bold, Guiding us through waters, where stories are told. He's the beacon of courage, in the still of the night, TomTheDuck, our leader, shining so bright. From sunrise to sunset, he's the guardian of the flock, With his wisdom and kindness, he breaks every lock. No challenge too great, no river too wide, TomTheDuck, our champion, with him, we'll ride. TomTheDuck, oh legend untold, In the heart of the pond, where mysteries unfold. With grace and with honor, he'll always prevail, TomTheDuck, our hero, setting sail. So raise up your wings, let your voices ring, For TomTheDuck, our eternal king. In the rhythm of the water, in the whispers of the breeze, TomTheDuck, forever, he'll reign as he please.