
[Build-up] It allows for MAXIMUM mobility. Feels like I’m wearing nothin’ at all... (nothin' at all..) nothin’ at all... (nothin' at all..) nothin’ at all... (nothin' at all..) [Drop] Stupid sexy Flanders!!! (Stupid sexy Flanders!!!) Don’t panic. Remember what the instructor said. (what the instructor said) If you ever get into trouble, all you need to do is… (all you need to do is...) [Interrupting chord] Feels like I’m wearing nothin’ at all... nothin' at all... nothin' at all.. nothin' at all... [Drop] Stupid sexy Flanders! [Verse] Stupid (so stupid) (so stupid) sexy (so sexy) (so sexy) Flanders (so Flanders) (so Flanders) [Dance interlude]