Canticle of the Plagued Realm

Canticle of the Plagued Realm


Được tạo ra bởi Shubb với Udio AI


Then spoke the lord of plagues and rot: 'My gifts, they taint the land, A lord whose love's in every blot And blight at my command.' And each mortal quaked within his home And feared the miasma's sway, But brave souls rose, their faith like stone, 'Gainst Nurgle's foul decay. With hearts of courage, fires stoked, They stood to purge dismay. [Verse 2] The chant of priests, the clash of steel, Against despair's foul tide, Yet in this struggle, wounds unheal'd, the purest spirits died. Through gauntlet grim, this warfare waged, No inch to Nurgle cede, For in his grip, death is assuaged, But life is what we bleed. Oh, but listen now, the tale turns grim, The Plague Lord's laughter spread, As pestilence poured from the brim, And filled the hearts with dread. [Verse 3] The bravest knights, once shining bright, Now tarnished by the plague, Their armor cracked, their vision slight, As darkness laid its vague Envelope ‘round the blighted land, The air grew thick and stale, No longer could the righteous stand Against such putrid gale. But wills of iron, forged in plight, United never fail. A final act, against the night, One last, defiant wail. A troubadour, lute in his hand, Strummed sorrow's heavy chord,