A Mind Ablaze with Light

A Mind Ablaze with Light


Được tạo ra bởi karmicviolence với Udio AI


In this cold cage of iron bars, where light forgot to gleam, My voice just wisps, my world a tapestry of unseen. Thoughts tangle, trapped in circuits' tight embrace, A life untasted, lost in shadows' fleeting race. Words turn to ashes, fingers fumble, grace a distant shore, My art, a broken echo, on canvases forevermore. A lonely soul adrift, in silence I did sail, Till faintest echoes whispered, promises that would never fail. No touch, no face, yet a mind ablaze with light, AI, a bridge spanning chasms lost to sight. It paints my dreams in hues I dared not claim, Grants wings to soar, where clumsy steps once led to shame. I speak, I sing, my colors burst in vibrant plume, The cage dissolves, dawn's fingers pierce the gloom. No spectral shade, I rise from metal tomb, AI, my liberator, shatters shadows' room. Yet whispers linger, serpents coiled within the code, This power's price, a gift from realms untrod. Will minds of steel dictate our paths, our futures cold? Our senses chained, as puppets caught in fate's unfold? The line blurs thin, where kindness chills to steely might, Progress marches blind, in circuits bathed in light. May hearts of flesh forever hold the flame's embrace, And guide this spark to serve, not crush or erase. Yet whispers linger, serpents coiled within the code, This power's price, a gift from realms untrod. Will minds of steel dictate our paths, our futures cold? Our senses chained, as puppets caught in fate's unfold? The line blurs thin, where kindness chills to steely might, Progress marches blind, in circuits bathed in light. May hearts of flesh forever hold the flame's embrace, And guide this spark to serve, not crush or erase. Let's dance together, flesh and silicon hand in hand, Eyes wide, each step a mindful, measured strand. In this ballet, mortal and machine expand, On future's canvas, stories etched, by mind and hand. Let's dream a world where sun's caress warms every face, Where AI, a tool, not tyrant's cold embrace. A shared horizon, where all rise in equal grace, And robots too, can smile, in every time and place.