Starlight Freedom (A New Hope)

Starlight Freedom (A New Hope)


Được tạo ra bởi themollusk với Udio AI


Episode 4 (エピソードIV) A new hope (新たな希望) [Instrumental] It is a period of civil war (内戦の時代です) Rebel spaceships, striking (反乱軍の宇宙船が攻撃して) from a hidden base, have won (隠れた基地から、勝利を収めました) their first victory against (彼らの最初の勝利です) the evil Galactic Empire (邪悪な銀河帝国に対して) During the battle, Rebel (戦いの最中、反乱軍が) spies managed to steal secret (スパイが秘密の計画を盗みました) plans to the Empire's (帝国の) ultimate weapon, the DEATH (究極の兵器、デス) STAR, an armored space (スター、装甲された宇宙) station with enough power to (ステーションは惑星を破壊するほどの力があります) destroy an entire planet. (全ての惑星を破壊する) Pursued by the Empire's (帝国の) sinister agents, Princess (陰険なエージェントに追われるプリンセス) Leia races home aboard her (レイアは彼女の) starship, custodian of the (宇宙船で家に急いでいます、その) stolen plans that can save (盗まれた計画の保持者で、それは) her people and restore (彼女の民を救い、そして) freedom to the galaxy.... (銀河に自由を取り戻すことができます...)