Isekai no Kyoukousei: Sorezore no Chikara [Symphonic Metal]

Isekai no Kyoukousei: Sorezore no Chikara [Symphonic Metal]


Được tạo ra bởi GPTrance với Udio AI


情熱の闇 (In the darkness of passion) 波に飲まれて (Swallowed by the waves) 痛みを越えて (Beyond the pain) 運命を越え (Surpassing fate) 願いを抱いて (Embracing a wish) 希望の灯 (A light of hope) 喜び消え (Joy is fading) 静寂の中 (In the silence) 熱情の火 (The fire of passion) それでも燃え (Still, it burns) 力強く (Strong and forceful) 心の嵐 (Storm in my heart) 冷たい霧 (In the cold mist) 刻む一歩 (Step by step we carve) 過去を断ち切り (Severing our past) 新たな道 (On a new path we embark) 信念の光 (The light of conviction) 胸に宿り (Lodged within our hearts) 静寂の中 (In the silence) 熱情の火 (The fire of passion) それでも燃え (Still, it burns) 力強く (Strong and forceful) 心の嵐 (Storm in my heart) 涙の海 (In the sea of tears) 沈む星を数え (Counting the sinking stars) 砕けた夢 (Shattered dreams) でも希望は生き (Yet hope survives) [コーラス] 情熱は歌う (Passion sings) 闇を超えて (Beyond the darkness)