
Chill winds moan through ancient lore As stars behold the mystic lore Veiled mysteries untold In the silence, magic's sprawl This is it! Underneath the moon's cold thrall Through the dusk, the whispers call O'er the frost, my shadows fall Deep within, the night's allure Haunting secrets, cryptic, pure This is it! Enchanted realm, the witching thrall Gilded spells beneath the sky's vast scroll Charms and hexes, where the dark rivers troll Cloaked in fables, the arcane stories told Now awaken, where the legend's unfold This is it! Eyes aglow with lunar fire's draw Through the trees, the owls see all Shadows twist 'neath the night's dark shawl Mystic ties that bind and hold In the void, the stars foretold This is it! In the depths, where secrets sleep Eldritch dreams in slumber deep Sorcery where spirits creep In the still, the chill seeps The quiet heart of night, it leaps This is it! [Chorus] Whispers cloak the midnight air