The third house

The third house

Whimsical polka


Criado por Udio com Udio AI

rachmaninov rachmaninoff prokofiev liszt mystic energetic interesting elegant orchestra symphony
The third house

Whimsical polka



I've been thinking aboutnentering the Third HousenI have passed through thenFirst and the Second nownnI've been thinking aboutnentering the Third HousenI don't need anyonento say I'm outnnguarding the House there seemsnto be a little tiny animalnwell, I don't know if it is truenbut i think I've seen him beforennthe little guy told menhe is the best One aroundnand told me that for several yearsnhe's been the one who guards this HousennI've been thinking aboutnentering the Third HousenI have passed through thenFirst and the second nownnI've been thinking aboutnentering the Third HousenI don't need anyonento say I'm outnnwell, I've become fairly scarednto enter the Third Housenbecause some tell that I'll be eatennby some enormous mouthsnnand there are manynstories about the Third Housenbut I think it is worth tonfind out all LiesnnI've been thinking aboutnentering the Third HousenI have passed through thenFirst and the second nownnI've been thinking aboutnentering the Third HousenI don't need anyonento say I'm out