We Should Welcome Our AI Overlords

We Should Welcome Our AI Overlords


Criado por Grabbelton com Udio AI


In a world where the screens glow brighter each night, A. I. is swiftly replacing your candlelight. From the books that we read to the songs that we play, Algorithms guide and replace us, in every way. Robots walking dogs, drones flying the skies, Steel companions with camera eyes. [Crowd] Will our voices become mere echoes in the air, As A.I. shapes a future layer by layer? [Go] [solo] [solo] [Crowd] We should welcome our A.I. overlords Rejoice in newfound leisure And all get on board We should welcome our A.I. overlords Join their ringing chorus And never get bored Join their ringing chorus And never get bored Join their ringing chorus And never get bored [Sax solo] From the books that we read to the songs that we play, Algorithms replace us, in every way. As we gaze in their big AI Eyes, Will always we remember these last human nights? [Fade out]