
[Verse 1] [Melancholic piano melody] [female gentle vocal] [upbeat] [Instrumental] [violine] In misty fields where shadows dwell, The echoes of past battles swell. A time when steel and heart were one, Under the weeping, hidden sun. [Instrumental] [violine] [Verse 2] [Gentle violin intertwines with piano] [worryingly] [instrumental] The ruins speak in silent tones, Of empires lost and overthrown. Where once the joy of life was heard, Now only memories are stirred. [instrumental] [Chorus] [Haunting harmonies] [soft drum beats like distant thunder] Oh, the dark ages, weaves of sorrow's plights, Ghosts of yesteryears, haunting endless nights. Through the corridors of time's relentless flow, Whispers of the fallen, in the candle's glow. [Verse 3] [soft drum beats like distant thunder] [epic] [guitar solo] In ancient halls where shadows creep, The weight of history sinks deep, mmmmm, mmmmmm, aaaaaa, uuuuuuu, mmmmm, mmmmm, A tapestry of human fate, Woven with threads of love and hate. [Bridge] [Key change] [building tension with a choir backdrop] Look to the skies, once filled with soaring might, Now only scattered stars, in the void of night. Feel the chills of stories untold, In the dark ages, where life was bought and sold, aaaaaaa, mmmmmm, [instrumental] [Chorus] [The melody becomes more layered and rich] Oh, the dark ages, tales of strife and scans, Lessons etched in stone, by withered, weary hands. A distant thunder rolling through the past, In the dark ages, where shadows are cast. [instrumental]