Sad Alien Punchlines

Sad Alien Punchlines


Created By Prophet1986 With Udio AI


Alien humor's lost in space it seems Galactic gags don't fulfill human dreams Landing here with my spaceship heart Thought I'd bridge worlds with comedy art But your blank stares are a mystery Why don't Earth jokes translate for an entity? And I'm just too wired to take your guise Bring my strange jokes 'round here tonight Don’t you want to laugh easy? Look there Let some of my quips just fly on by Or you can burn them with your silent sighs Go on home I've got puns from the stars above (so high) Found in cosmic dust, with no Earthly love Jokes on gravity, they float in the air But here on the ground, just empty chairs Stellar one-liners, universal zings But in human ears, they just don't ring [Faraway Female Vocalizing] I tried to tickle your earthly senses With tales of black holes and cosmic pretenses Yet you sit so still, all stoic and cool My interstellar punchlines just used as a tool [Chorus] Laughter's the language I hoped we’d share But my alien wit is just lost in the air Let's give it one more go (one more go) I’ll tell a joke about a Martian’s glow Yet even as I try to amuse and delight Your gaze is distant like the farthest moonlight But then a smile cracks, just one or two Am I finally connecting with you?