Promises of the Heart

Promises of the Heart


HolyGhostWriter님이 Udio AI를 사용하여 만듭니다


For God alone, my soul waits in silence Patiently for the Lord In sweet meditation, I draw near to listen So sweet, the golden chord I draw near to listen, to the sound of a whisper That still small voice from within Jacob named this place pineal Which is the face of HIM Up high on HIS mountain At one in repose Atoned with one Father So high from our lows We make still the mind With a confident heart At one with one Spirit Thy Spirit imparts This voice that we hear While in ONE's estate Comes from One Holy Spirit When we share this One trait From this mountain within One speaks to One Truth's Two, become One And mountains, One moves With the truth of the word Which is God and is One Which is Holy and Spirit As are Father and Son Almighty God, Father in Heaven I cry aloud to be filled “Behold, the kingdom’s within you” He speaks from HIS Holy hill You too find this place Face of God in repose In your innermost chamber Be dressed in HIS clothes Be clothed with the helper The One Holy Spirit Patiently wait And HIS whisper, you’ll hear it You have come to Mount Zion Where angels assemble Face to face with our God With who’s face you resemble In sacred hush, the soul does ride On waves of faith, no need to hide Beneath the stars, my heart's an open door Inviting love, forevermore Through every trial, through every tear There's a promise that I hold dear