Can I Get Your Order?

Can I Get Your Order?


ForTheBeans님이 Udio AI를 사용하여 만듭니다


[verse] Can I get a-- [chorus] Whopper with extra tomatoes and less ketchup than usual only a teaspoon, but spread over the entirety of the top bun also I don't like mustard so please dont add any but actually maybe three and a half extra pickles would be fine how about no sesame seeds or bacon thanks very much how much will that cost? [verse] $5.99. Thank you for your order [verse] Hi, welcome to Starbucks. Can I get your order? Can I get a-- [Chorus] Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet N'Low and One Nutrasweet with Ice? [Verse] That'll be [redacted], thank you for your order NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO