Return to the Wild Again

Return to the Wild Again


Narwhal님이 Udio AI를 사용하여 만듭니다


{rising piano intro} ... [verse] It's been so long I've started twice but I just can't keep astride Breath of the Wild time... Oooo-aaaauhh... it's taken me way too long {building sound} [high background chorus: oooo-aaah-a-aaah] [verse] I beat the elephant boss got sprayed by his big ol' trunk I took on the great big bird did all of its puzzles in a third of an hour... ooo-ahh [high background chorus: oooo-aaah-a-aaah] [verse: powerful], fast tempo I'm back in Kakariko villaaaage I kinda missed that shy girl, paya ooo-ahh [high background chorus: oooo-aaah-a-aaah] [verse: powerful, fast tempo] I'm back in Kakariko villaaaage I kinda missed that shy girl, paya she be shy but she rocks my world [belting vocals] maybe if she were the princess maybe if paya were the princesssss [sad tone] but she's not... and I explore so many towers I heard that jingle with the little monk the little zombie guy monk after every trial, after every puzzle and fight. it takes such a long time I think when I was in class I tortured myself a bit too much forcing myself to not skip cutscenes even if I knew there repetative I guess getting all the powerups wasn't a good idea for me 'cause every time I start it up I forget how to play and then I'm just too lost and I start again start agaaaaain aaaain. yeah, yeah. well I like the little desert place with the little desert girl and the surfing on walruses isn't that cool? and every time I'm happy to pretend to be a girl I put on my burkha and my poofy pants... get in the secret outfit club the guy with the snow shoes tries to hit on me again.... and I glide over all the desert staying close to every cliff Get that rush of adrenaline fill out all my stamina bars only three hearts... it's not easy maybe too much adrenaline so the second time I get about... eight hearts (eight hearts) but you know, I had to turn over every single leaf and rock in the wild Breath of the Wild, where I'm turnin' over rocks and puttin' apples in dishes near shrines and I... wonder I'll use them if I'll use them because maybe I'll start agaiin yeah, maybe I'll start again grab up all them bugs and apples and throw 'em in a random dish again cut down that tree across the gap again ... but sure, I'll do it all again talk to the zorro again the lightening field again the brother goron again... yeah, me alone with it again Breath of the Wild Breath of the Wild...