
I watch you turn white, in a cold november night, It was under a dim blue light, Oh baby. I said, Im your knight. For you baby, Im gonna fight. I had a glance at you, you striked you glare at me, It was the greatest view, Like no other thing I have ever seen I have done things, That I dont want you to know, [static] It wasnt me who pulled the strings, Who made the city blow, [transmition interrupted] [transmition interrupted] [Music abruptely Interrupted by radio signal] noise [NO MUSIC] ANNOUNCER: (Calm but grave tone) This is an emergency broadcast. At 14:37 local time, an unprecedented event has occurred. Reports confirm the detonation of a nuclear device in the vicinity. All citizens are urged to seek immediate shelter and take cover. If you are within a 10-mile radius of the blast zone, evacuate immediately