Waltz Through The Epochs

Waltz Through The Epochs


Sofia24님이 Udio AI를 사용하여 만듭니다


[verse] In the whispering fields of ancient gold, I met you where the stars weave tales untold. Your gaze, a reflection of celestial past, In each existence, a love too vast. Beneath the boughs where old elms sigh, You etched our names under the eternal sky. The letters may blur, the stone may wear, But our saga endures, an epic affair. [chorus] We waltz through the epochs, in twilight we thread, In each other’s embrace, finding our timeless bed. Like murmurs of the cosmos, in the rustling of leaves, Our souls entangle, as destiny weaves. Like murmurs of the cosmos, in the rustling of leaves, Our souls entangle, as destiny weaves. [verse] Through the mist of ages, by the lantern's glow, I traced the silhouette that I so deeply know. With each reincarnation, our spirits align, A dance of fate, through the sands of time. Our love, a lighthouse steadfast and sure, Guiding us home, through lives obscure. [bridge] Across battlefields and through hallowed halls, Our spirits converge, transcending temporal walls. In every sigh of the evergreen, I feel your pulse, serene yet unseen.