The Trial the Broadway Musical

The Trial the Broadway Musical


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Underneath the stage, of the grotesque ballet He will find his way, through this legal fray Hope's a fragile thread, in this theater play On this stage of grey, where the masked men say What's the fate they've spun, in the web they've weaved? Can the truth be won, will he be relieved? Defendant wakes to unseen crime, what a shock Through the courts, surreal and Kafkaesque, he'll walk Twisted halls of law entangle, in a whirl As he fights to clear his name, ensnared boy Visions of the truth that dance with mock and coy What's the verdict, where's the justice for this guy? In the grip of unseen judges, lies his fate Sifting through the dusty webs of red-tape state Every plea and motion met with cold delay As the ticking clock unwinds, and hopes decay But he'll stand against the shadows that deride Praying for a beam of light, as his guide