The Burrito Theif

The Burrito Theif


Zelest님이 Udio AI를 사용하여 만듭니다


Bu-bu-bu-burrito! Bu-bu-bu-burrito! Bu-bu-bu-burrito! Bu-bu-bu-burrito! [Verse] Hey, where is my burrito? I had a burrito. Now it is gone. I had it with extra garlic. Who is the burrito thief? [Chorus] Burrito thief! Hey, burrito thief! Give me back my burrito! Burrito thief! Hey, burrito theif! It was mine to begin with! [break down] Searching, searching, up and down. Searching, searching, no burrito found. Searching here and searching there. Burrito stolen, don't know where! [drop] [Outro] Stop the thief! I had it with extra cheese! It was love in corn tortilla. I might just have to kill ya! Bu-bu-burrito. Bu-bu-burrito.