K-Poop (worth translating the lyrics 😂)

K-Poop (worth translating the lyrics 😂)


アヌティスト jelous1 が Udio AI を䜿甚しお䜜成したした

rachmaninov rachmaninoff prokofiev liszt mystic energetic interesting elegant orchestra symphony
K-Poop (worth translating the lyrics 😂)



배에 불펞핚을 쀘 배에 불펞핚을 쀘뎐 [Verse 3] 유유히 흘러 every mistake 숚Ʞ지 못핎, it's everywhere 솔직핎지자, 찞을 수 없얎 읎 상황의 탈출구륌 ì°Ÿê³  싶얎 깚끗한 곳은 여Ʞ 없얎 볎읎지, right now It’s too late to turn back Hurry, call NASA, to Mars let's dash [Pre-Chorus] 바람읎 불닀, 낮 쎈조핚을 느껎 ꞎ장의 덫에 걞렀, 숚을 죜여 [Pre-Chorus] Hold on tight, this feeling's real Just hope the world doesn't see From Seoul to L.A., 사람듀읎 말핮 'Girl, just find a bathroom with speed' [Rap] Now I'm rushin' and I'm dashin', 읎 순간에 대볞에서 날 버늰 듯, stage left로 escape Stopped in my tracks, 아찔한 feelin' No 드띌마 could script this scene, it's revealing ꞎ꞉ 상황, oh 화장싀 얎디알? Embarrassment is creepin', I can't hide ya [Verse 4] 왞멎할 수 없는 읎 pressin' fate 걞음을 빚늬핎, 닀음 move을 calculate 마음의 심연에 욞렀퍌지넀, SOS 목소늬륌 높여, '애썚 pretend할 수 없얎' [Rap] 칎메띌륌 플핎, 읞파 속윌로 멀얎젞 A race against time, 거늬에 난 êžž 잃은 배우 All eyes on me, panic은 crescendo This drama queen needs ê·ž curtain call, 앙상랔읎 ì–Žì„œ 쀀비됐니