Phantom Scribe ext v2.

Phantom Scribe ext v2.


アーティスト Angelique65 が Udio AI を使用して作成しました


I'm the ghost in your machine, grinding gears silently You're the face in the spotlight, while I'm the faded entity [Verse] Secrets I scribe, in the dark where I thrive You bring them to life, on the stage where you dive [Chorus] The echo of my soul, in your performance, plays its role While you rise to acclaim, my anonymity takes its toll With every note that climbs the chart I'm the shadow, you're the spark [Pre-Chorus] You shine on stages, bathed in light While I fade out into the night [Chorus] A ghost behind your gleaming fame I write the legends, hide my name [Verse] Hide behind the lines, anonymous shade, I skulk, entwined Invisible hand, scripting the fame, you bask, I fade Whispers in the ink, a specter in the notes, unseen, I write Your voice, my words, I'm haunting each page, this phantom plight [Chorus] A ghost in the script, my secret's confined, your limelight, defiled Screaming through silence, my confession's a scream, unvoiced, reviled [Bridge] In shadows I dwell, a muse to your call The credit escapes, the pride takes a fall A forger of dreams, a craftsman in chains My art is consumed, but the echo remains [Verse] Bound to the quill, a slave to the sound I birth your success while in darkness I'm found These notes I bleed, your glory's ascent Fame you receive, my essence spent (Fury and fire, the forger’s lament) Secrets I keep, fuel to your blaze I kindle the pyre, you're set ablaze Invisible hands, masked in the haze [Verse] You take the stage, they chant your name I'm the whisper, the wraith in this deceitful game Trapped in the echoes, the sigh of the night I craft the stories that you recite [Pre-Chorus] Strangled by shadows, a pact sealed tight My enigma remains out of sight