Sewer Quarter Dreams

Sewer Quarter Dreams


アーティスト Fiskaslo が Udio AI を使用して作成しました


Check it, che che check it! I am a pissdrinking fella, eating my nutella, with a hardhitting beat , lyrical sex offenda, [sax solo] Wish i was a stanley 1913, that would be hella cool to make bitches drool Drinking from my infinity pool of clean water form the sewer quarter. Never been a sharter, but it keeps getting harder, to resit. When two people have sex, its a twosome When three people have sex, its a threesome. Now I know why people call you handsome. [chorus] Because you always do it solo, that's your custom, Rolling solo in the game, nobody to bust on. Your vibe's unique, they can't clone your style, When you step into the room, all the faces smile. You are a failiour at your art, a failiure-phile, Making shit hits like you wish to be on somebody's hitlists My AC 5 5 6 goes click, click, boom! Outta the gang, left in the gloom. Dug your grave when you dropped that beat, Made sure you met the reaper, discreet. Now you’re off where shadows creep, With O.J. and Epstein, lost in the deep. Watch your back, don’t slip, don’t trip, Or in the shower, you might just feel a rip.