Boundless in a Broken World

Boundless in a Broken World


アーティスト syncretic が Udio AI を使用して作成しました


[breakdown] [radio announcement] We dream of augmenting ourselves, of transcending the limitations of the human form. But what if the key lies not in technology alone, but in remembering? Remembering the unity that resides within all things, the boundless awareness that animates every atom. Let this song be a call to remember, and perhaps, in that remembering, find the seeds of our own transformation. The woods wind down a whispered, worn-out path, And leaves unfurl beneath the day's warm glance. A world reborn each spring transcends life's wrath; From bud to brittle branch, all bound to dance. Each cycle spun, a thread within time's weave, One song unfolds from seed to fallen tear. Perhaps the forms we know and fears we grieve, Are echoes of a self once held so dear. [chorus] No 'you' nor 'me', just currents in the tide, Each ripple born upon the selfsame sea. Illusions break where inner truths abide, A single heart that yearns to wander free. If eyes were mirrors turned with time's slow sigh, Would hearts find kinship in a fleeting gleam? Each touch, each tear, no self nor selfless lie, But lessons writ upon a cosmic dream. From gentle hand to deeds of shadowed blight, The cosmic self may learn on paths entwined. But where duality casts shades of night, A boundless truth beyond such frames we find. [guitar solo] No 'you' nor 'me', just currents in the tide, Each ripple born upon the selfsame sea. Illusions break where inner truths abide, A single heart that yearns to wander free.