Bold Sir John.. With a very obvious voice.

Bold Sir John.. With a very obvious voice.


Créé par Fred99999 avec Udio AI


[verse 1] [voice 1] Oh! bold Sir John was young and fair, And bold Sir John was gay. He said, I'll tread the morning dew, To take the air and listen to The twittering of the birds all day, The bumblebees at play, [chorus] The twit, the twit, the twit, the twit, the twittering of the birds all day, The bum, the bum, the bum, the bum, the bumblebees at play. [verse 2] [voice 1] So bold Sir John, he went his way, Observing nature's farce. "Dear Mother Earth, oh! tell me, pray, Why elephants live so long, they say, Your flies live but a day, Then they drop dead upon the grass, [chorus] Your flies, your flies, your flies, your flies, your flies live but a day (then they) Drop dead, drop dead, drop dead, drop dead, drop dead upon the grass. [verse 2] [voice 1] Now bold Sir John, he met a maid, As on her back she lay. "Please show respect, and come not near, For I've seen many a maiden here Get lost among the new-mown hay, So doff your hat I pray, [chorus] get lost, get lost, get lost, get lost, get lost among the new mown hay sod off, sod off, sod off, sod off, so doth your hat I pray. [verse 98] [voice 1] Then bold Sir John assured the maid, He was just passing by He said, Fair maid, now fear me not, For, though me blood be wild and hot, Addicted to love's ways I'm not. No cocksure rake am I. [chorus] A dick, a dick, a dick, a dick, Addicted to love's ways I'm not, No cock, no cock, no cock, no cock, No cocksure rake am I. [break] [break again] [pad out a bit] [verse 0] [voice 1] When bold Sir John return ed home, They gave him gin to try. Nay, fill me not with liquor up, Nor give me grape nor grain to sup. Pour cowslip's dew into my cup. A puritan am I. [chorus] [chorus] pour cow, pour cow, poor cow, poor cow, Pour cowslip's dew into my cup. Up you, Up you, Up you, Up you [outro] A puritan am I. [chorus] Up you, Up you, Up you, Up you [outro] A puritan am I. [end]