


Creado por Ñinlle con Udio AI

rachmaninov rachmaninoff prokofiev liszt mystic energetic interesting elegant orchestra symphony



[coro] oooooohhhh (ooooooohhhh) [introducción] oooooohhhh ahhhhhhhh (Verse 1) Nox silens astra revelat (Silent night unveils the stars) In caelo vasto, amor noster volitat (In the vast sky, our love flies) Cor meum cantat, te solum desiderat (My heart sings, desiring only you) In infinitum, te semper amabo (To infinity, I will always love you) [Pre-coro] Flamma ardentis passionis (Flame of burning passion) Adversa superans, numquam cessionis (Overcoming adversity, never yielding) [coro] Fortissimo! (Powerfully!) (Resonat per aeternum) (Resounding through eternity) [Verso 2] Donnerum tonitrua, caeli furor (Thunder roars, heaven's rage) Nos ad sidera ducit, in victoria (Leads us to the stars, in victory) (Verse 2) Luna serena, testis amoris nostri (Serene moon, witness to our love) Stellulae scintillant, susurrant voces nostrae (The stars twinkle, whispering our voices) In hac nocte magica, animas fundimus (On this magical night, we merge our souls) Tu et ego, usque ad aeternitatem ligati (You and I, bound until eternity) (Chorus 1) Ooooohhhh Aeterna Lux, in tenebris micas (Eternal Light, you shine in the darkness) Ooooohhhh Te semper amabo (I will always love you) (Chorus 2) Ooooohhhh Aeterna Lux, in tenebris micas (Eternal Light, you shine in the darkness) Ooooohhhh (Bridge) Sicut ferrum in igne fortitur (Like iron forged in fire) Per hastam et ensis, corde pugnamus (With spear and sword, we fight with heart) Ooooohhhh (Verso 3) Montes et valles, nostra sunt proelia (Mountains and valleys, our battles)