
Stars alight (alight) A quest that's truly pivotal The cosmos calls, it's time to go An odyssey that binds us so [Chorus - Harmony] When we breach the sky with eyes wide Hearts united, we will soar Galaxies unfold (unfold) A tapestry of stories told Charting courses, brave and bold Together through the vast, cold void [Chorus - Harmony] In the starry seas we ride Bound by wonder, side by side Through blackened depths (oh depths) With sails of dreams and stardust glow Hands on decks, our fellowship The milky way our comradeship [Chorus - Harmony] As one we face the cosmic tide In unity, our trust resides New worlds in sight (in sight) To lands uncharted, heroes leap The engines roar, adventure calls Echoes of eternity, through endless halls [Chorus - Harmony] Defiant souls with courage high We'll brave the infinite and touch the sky Starlight's beam (beam's glow) Guide us through the silent void Journey's reign, this voyage we can't avoid Whispers of the ancients, in harmony we're rejoined [Chorus - Harmony] Guided by a celestial map In starlit wonder, time will lapse Frontiers await (await) Where mysteries and wonders intertwine With every pulse, we feel the call Curiosity that drives us all [Chorus - Harmony] Leaping through the cosmic sea Voyagers of destiny Thrusters roar (roar aloft) Escaping gravity's tight clasp With courage in our astronaut hearts On to challenges, as our journey starts [Chorus - Harmony] In concord we glide through space Each challenge boldly we'll embrace [Bridge] Lift off and rise (we rise) Beyond belief, past the azure skies Every star, a story untold We're on a path that's brave and bold [Chorus - Harmony] In brotherhood we sail the night With stars as beacons, guiding light