
I will see if my bravery is sufficient, To honor the will of the omnicient, To follow this path of destruction, Tainted by the lord of corruption, my armor is part of a set, with ancient and secret power, and I will all the pieces get, I will search the last place on this tower. I drain the blood of the rarest evils, to try to find the best retrievals, Deciding how my bag will manage, So I dont carry to much baggage, [Build] The runic words, they call my name, A mystic quest, a deadly game, [Build] In every shadow, I seek the prize, That garnered the secrets of the skies. [Drop] My fingers clasp the final shard, A whispered lore, a mystery jarred Now I am ready to fight! Bash! Shout! Berzerk! Frenzy-yyyyyy! Following the battle command of Bul Kathos!