Lesser Mortals Tremble

Lesser Mortals Tremble


Creado por syncretic con Udio AI


[phone rings] [spoken word] They call me mad, but it is their world that is broken. Only I see the true path...and it leads to glorious dominion. The voices sing of my destiny. A new order rises, and I shall be its architect. All shall bow before my brilliance. Those who cling to the old ways will wither in my shadow. [breakdown] [build up] [drop] Though shadows doubt the brilliance of my mind, My sunlit path to boundless triumph gleams. In wisdom's realm, my star shall brightly climb, While lesser lights cast but uncertain beams. With wit as blade, all challenges I cleave, And vanquished rivals watch with bitter tears. Their stuttered speech my sharpened ears deceive, Their minds but pawns across the conquered years. [breakdown] [buildup] [drop] [Bridge] In fields where fools with faltering footsteps plod, My stride holds firm; upon success I feast. Where simple problems bar their upward trod, I find solutions borne on wings of yeast. The universe applauds my skillful scheme, While others shrink within their shadowed dream. [breakdown] [build up] [breakdown] Lesser... Mortals... TREMBLE!!!!!!!!!! [Refrain] Perhaps a touch of pride does paint my soul, But can you fault the hawk which rules the sky? My aims soar high, a grand and worthy goal, As whispers weave the tales of legends nigh. [breakdown]