Thunderous Decree ext v2.1.2

Thunderous Decree ext v2.1.2


Created By jayshamp With Udio AI


The whispers of the faceless tear the silence apart Churning the void, where shadows and souls depart I am alone with the echoes resounding in bone Carved from despair, the melody of the unknown A requiem for the lost, in cold isolation bound This fortress within, where my demons are crowned I roar with a thunderous silence as I declare this decree To shatter the fortress enshrouding your mind And bury you deep 'neath the stone Cursed by the hands of the faceless, echoing through the void I roar with a thunderous silence as I declare this decree To sever the life-force that pulses within Beneath the crush of dismal skies, my soul's erosion feeds The jagged edges of this life, on shattered hopes I bleed A symphony of dissonant chords, each note a cry to be freed Drowning in the dissonance, my world now falls to knee The clash of metal, the pulse within, a heart encased in steel Chugging echoes of inner strife, no salve to heal