Ride on, brave knights [Symphonic metal] [Full song]

Ride on, brave knights [Symphonic metal] [Full song]


Created By madjae With Udio AI


[Drums pounding - calling for battle] [Verse 1] In fields of green and skies of gray Two armies stand in full array With swords in hand and hearts afire They charge ahead, as tensions rise [Chorus] (Angelic voice) Ride on, brave knights, into the fray For honor, glory, and the light of day Clash of steel and battle cries Echoing through the stormy skies [Verse 2] Horses gallop, hooves pounding hard As warriors fight to leave their mark Shields are shattered, armor rent In this fierce battle, blood is spent [Chorus] (Angelic voice) Ride on, brave knights, into the fray For honor, glory, and the light of day Clash of steel and battle cries Echoing through the stormy skies [guitar solo with pounding drums] [Verse 3] Amidst the chaos, a hero stands tall Wielding a sword to answer the call With courage and might, he turns the tide Inspiring his men to fight with pride [Verse 4] The battle rages, from dawn to dusk Until the ground is stained with blood and dust At last, a victor emerges, proud and strong Their tale of triumph, an epic song [battle instrumental] [Outro] Ride on, brave knights, your deeds will stay Remembered forever, from this day In hearts and minds, your legend lives on A testament to battles fought and won