


Created By zarkoo With Udio AI


Feel the rumble deep within As the engine's rage begins [Chorus] Don't turn away Ignite the night Roar through the flames, go-oh-oh-oh Go-oh-oh-oh See the embers in the sky Marks the path where the brave won't die [Chorus] Take the leap Into the fire's embrace Charge into the inferno, go-oh-oh-oh Go-oh-oh-oh In silence deep, wheels, they creep On roads once cold, now alive with heat Whispers low of a silent crowd With muted hearts beating loud, so loud [Chorus - softly in the background] Embrace the heat In the night, so wild The ashes fall like a darkened shroud Our spirits forged in smoke, unbowed Comrades at arms in this shadow fight We surge ahead, where the dark takes flight Final chorus With one last breath, we break the ties