Chronicles of Time ext v2

Chronicles of Time ext v2


Erstellt von steampanda mit Udio AI


In the realm of time, where the ages do blend, Heroes of light, their fates do entwined. Crono and friends, with courage that bends, Through past and future, their destinies wind. In the flow of time, they'll find their way, A tale of hope, that forever will stay. In the heart of time, their light will sway, Chrono Trigger's heroes, here to save the day. Frog leaps through eras, a knight so brave, Ayla's strength, from prehistoric days. Lucca's wit, a future to save, Marle's love, a beacon that stays. As Lavos stirs, beneath the earth's core, Our heroes unite, with spirits that soar. Through trials and battles, their hopes never tore, For the future they fight, forevermore.