Revelatum Aevum (The Revealed Age)

Revelatum Aevum (The Revealed Age)


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All of time leads to these days [Chorus: Choir in Latin] Venite (Yeah) adorare, lumine vero (Vero) Ex aeterno, iam regnat, Dominus Fire from heaven, the old is reborn (Reborn) With a shout the dead are torn (Restored) From the grave, in white adorned The skies split apart and reveal (Reveal) With the trumpets that sound His appeal (Appeal) Behold as the prophecy seals [Chorus: Choir in Latin] Surgite (Yeah) si parati ad novum aevum (Aevum) Et manus alte si venire paratum est The earth trembles, mountains bow (Bow down) Oceans roar with a hallowed sound (Profound) As the lamb returns, in glory crowned [Chorus: Choir in Latin] Ecce agnus (Yeah) in nubibus descendet (Descendet) Cum angelis canite, 'Regnum aeternum est' Kingdoms crumble, the righteous stand Under the gaze of His holy hand Mercy flows, a river wide In His embrace, no place to hide [Chorus: Choir in Latin] In aeternum (Yeah) regnabit amor, pax sine termino (Termino) Fides invicta, spes incensa, lux in tenebris Crowns fall down, to dust they're turned Each soul discerned, by sacred gaze Blood no more, but grace shall burn On Earth, His will, His kingdom's ways [Chorus: Choir in Latin] Coronate (Yeah) servos tuos, dona corona vitae (Vitae) Per saecula, Sanctus, Sanctus, omnia novat